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英國的傳媒專業(yè)主要分三大類,媒體media,新聞journalism,傳播 communication,從字面上咱們就可以先理解了,媒體肯定是比較寬泛的一個專業(yè),涉及到的分支會比較多,比如新媒體,大眾媒體,文化與社會等都 會在這個大的范疇之中;而新聞journalism和傳播communication這兩大類都是屬于比較具體和實踐類型的課程,比如新聞專業(yè)肯定就會涉 及到新聞寫作,新聞報道,新聞出境等實際操作的課程。下面就給大家介紹幾個英國傳媒專業(yè)比較好的學校:
華威大學 綜合排名10 專業(yè)排名1
MA in Creative and Media Enterprises 主要講述傳媒業(yè)的運作過程以及媒體產(chǎn)品和渠道等問題,從中體現(xiàn)策略和創(chuàng)意的思維。
MA in Global Media and Communication 主要講述創(chuàng)意性企業(yè)的特殊管理(財務管理、人力資源等)和知識產(chǎn)權保護方面的問題。
錄取要求:Ideally your degree should be in an arts, humanities or business related subject. 7.0 (IELTS)
MA in Film and Television Studies
錄取要求:不需要電影專業(yè)背景,但是希望專業(yè)可以是文學或者歷史類。7.0 in IELTS
倫敦政治經(jīng)濟大學 LSE 綜合排名3
MSc Media and Communications (Media and Communication Governance)
MSc Media, Communication and Development
MSc Double Degree in Global Media and Communications with Annenberg School, USC or Fudan University
MSc Politics and Communication
錄取要求:需要本科為社會科學背景,IELTS 7.0
謝菲爾德大學(新聞學很強)綜合排名18 專業(yè)排名5
MA Print Journalism (NCTJ Accredited)
MA Broadcast Journalism (BJTC Accredited)
MA Magazine Journalism (PTC accredited)
MA Web Journalism (BJTC Accredited)
MA International Political Communication
MA in Global Journalism
錄取要求:沒有說明是否需要背景,IELTS 7.5 with minimum of 7.0 in each element but for Broadcast it is a minimum of 7.5 in each element
萊斯特大學 綜合排名14,專業(yè)排名13
MA Media and Advertising
MA Mass Communications
MSc Media and Communication Research
MA Media and Public Relations
MA New Media and Society
利茲大學 綜合排名29
MA Communications Studies 學習的范圍比較廣,包括傳播媒體,公共關系,新聞,市場營銷
MA International Communications 主要學習信息的傳播和文化,國際交流的關系,比較偏政治
MA Media Industries 主要研究媒體行業(yè)跟媒體產(chǎn)品
MA International Journalism
MA Political Communication (需要Experience or background in political science, communications, economics, international relations, history is desirable.)
錄取要求:除了MA Political Communication以外都不需要專業(yè)背景,雅思總分6.5,單項不低于6.0
拉夫堡大學 綜合排名21,傳媒專業(yè)排名12
MA Media & Cultural Analysis
MA Global Media and Cultural Industries
卡迪夫大學 綜合排名33 專業(yè)排名第6
MA Journalism
MA Journalism, Media and Communications
MA International Journalism
MA International Public Relations and Global Communications Management
MA Political Communications
MSc in Science, Media and Communication
University of London,Goldsmiths College
MA in Brand Development
MA in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship
MA in Digital Media
MA in Filmmaking(需要本科專業(yè)為人文學科,需要有工作經(jīng)驗)
New: MA in Gender & Culture
MA in Image and Communication (需要有工作經(jīng)驗)
MA in Journalism (需要有工作經(jīng)驗)
MA in Media and Communications
MA in Political Communications
MA in Radio (需要有工作經(jīng)驗)
MA in Screen and Film Studies
MA in Screen Documentary
MA in Script Writing
MA in Television Journalism (需要有工作經(jīng)驗)
MA in Transnational Communications and the Global Media
錄取要求:in a relevant subject. If your first language is not English, you normally need a minimum score of 7.0 in IELTS (including 7.0 in the written element) 可能會要求面試
LLM in Media Law, Policy and Practice (需要本科為法律,IELTS:6.5 minimum 6.0 on the reading and writing component)
MA in Media and International Development (IELTS: 6.5 minimum 6.0 in all component)
MA in Media Economics (IELTS:6.5 minimum 6.0 on the reading and writing component)
MA in Media and Cultural Politics (本科為Humanities or Social Sciences, IELTS: 6.5 minimum 6.0 in all component)
MA in Media, Society and Culture
The University of Westminster
MA Communication
MA Communications Policy
MA Design for Communication
MA Directing: Film and Television
MA Film and Television: Theory, Culture and Industry
MA Global Media
MA Journalism
MA Journalism (Broadcast)
MA Journalism (International)
MA Journalism (Print and Online)
MA Media Management
MA Photographic Studies
MA Photojournalism
MA Public Relations
MA Screenwriting and Producing
大部分專業(yè)需要humanities or social sciences背景,有面試,IELTS 6.5,具體要求見學校網(wǎng)站
NewcastleØ International Multimedia Journalism MA (不需要新聞學背景,只需是人文或社會學科) Ø Cross-Cultural Communication and Media Studies MA
IELTS 6.5 overall with at least 6.5 in writing and 6.0 in all other sub sections
如果您有興趣留學,啟德教育可以幫到您。啟德石家莊 有專業(yè)的教育顧問,能夠根據(jù)您的個人情況,為您制定個性化的留學方案,為您的留學計劃提速并保駕護航。